American Families for Cultural Exchange Applauds the Introduction of Federal Legislation to Protect the Au Pair Program
American Families for Cultural Exchange Applauds the Introduction of Federal Legislation to Protect the Au Pair Program
Coalition Urges Congress to Enact the Modernizing the Au Pair Program (MAP) Act to Advance Access to Cultural Exchange Program with Childcare Opportunities
Washington, D.C. (September 19, 2024) — Today, American Families for Cultural Exchange applauds Chief Deputy Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) as well as cosponsors Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Representative Maria Salazar (R-FL) for the introduction of legislation that would modernize and strengthen the Department of State Au Pair cultural exchange program. Since 1986, the Au Pair program has built meaningful relationships around the world by offering immersive and enriching cultural exchange experiences between families across the country and young people from around the world.
During what has been a national childcare crisis, the au pair program offers American families, many of whom currently face barriers to securing trusted care for their children, a flexible and affordable support option. In recent years, studies have shown repeatedly that many American families face significant challenges finding childcare. A growing number of American families, including those in the military, first responders, and healthcare professionals, have come to rely on the au pair program when seeking access to flexible and affordable care. Just as important, every American host family benefits from the cultural exchange made possible when welcoming au pairs from other countries into their homes.
“Over 1.5 million active-duty military families currently face barriers to accessing quality childcare services,” said Congressman Reschenthaler. “The Modernize the Au Pair Program Act ensures these Americans will have an excellent childcare option by protecting the future of the au pair program, which also serves as a valuable public diplomacy tool.”
Recognizing that thousands of families rely on the au pair program as a source of affordable childcare and its role in American diplomacy, the legislation would ensure national uniformity and clarity across all regulations imposed on the program. Moreover, the legislation seeks to maintain affordability for those hosting au pairs, with studies showing that over 10% of au pair host families are active-duty military.
The Modernize the Au Pair Program of 2024 (“MAP Act”) has been introduced in response to recently proposed regulations from the U.S. Department of State that could have tripled the cost for families. The MAP Act directs the State Department to modify the financial commitment of families to ensure fairness in both how au pairs will be paid and how host family room and board contributions will be recognized.
“The longstanding au pair program not only advances international diplomacy and opportunities for global cultural exchange, but also provides American families with a unique and affordable childcare opportunity that greatly enriches their children’s lives in both the short and long-term,” said Mark Overmann, Executive Director of the Alliance for International Exchange. “We appreciate Congressman Reschenthaler’s efforts to support this important tool of U.S. public diplomacy and to ensure American families, including those serving our country, can benefit from the one-of-a-kind exchange experiences that the au pair program creates.”
“The au pair program is an affordable and flexible childcare solution for military-connected families,” said Kelly Hruska, Government Relations Director of the National Military Family Association. “This legislation will help connect military families to vital childcare and at the same time enable them to raise their kids as global citizens through cultural exchange.”
An au pair is a young person from abroad who comes to America on a specially designated cultural exchange via and lives with an American family for up to two years, receiving a weekly stipend, room and board, and educational opportunities in return for providing limited childcare support to their host family. For decades, the au pair program has been an important form of “kitchen table diplomacy” – breaking down cultural barriers and helping young adults become better global citizens.
Read the full bill here.
About American Families for Cultural Exchange
American Families for Cultural Exchange is a coalition championing the federal Au Pair program, which bridges cultural divides by offering immersive and enriching exchange experiences to families across the U.S. and citizens of other countries.